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RANK : Supdt. of police , Jalgaon
CONTACT : +91-0257-2220411
RANK : Supdt. of police , Jalgaon
CONTACT : +91-0257-2220411
RANK : Addl.Supdt. of police , Jalgaon
CONTACT : +91-0257-2220412
RANK : Addl.Supdt. of police , Jalgaon
CONTACT : +91-0257-2220412
THE PRIMARY FUNCTIONS OF THE POLICE are prevention and detection of crime, maintenance of law and order, apprehension of offenders, escorting and guarding of prisoners, treasure or private or public property of which they may be placed in charge, and the prosecution of criminals. They have, however, various other duties to perform, such as control of traffic, service of summonses and warrants in criminal cases, destruction of stray dogs, inspection of explosives and poison shops and extinguishing fires. Among their miscellaneous duties are giving aid to displaced persons and pilgrims, verification of character, making passports and naturalisation inquiries etc.
Under section 4 of the Bombay Police Act (XXII of 1951) superintendence of the police force throughout the State vests in and is exercisable by the State Government. In exercise of the powers under section 6 of the said Act, the State Government appoints an Director General of Police for the direction and supervision of the police force of which he is the head. His headquarter is at Bombay. It is his province to watch over the recruitment, education, housing and equipment of the police force and to regulate the internal organisation and method of its working. He is assisted in his office by addl. D. G. and I.G.s.
For the purpose of administration, Maharashtra State has been divided into Police Ranges, each in charge of a Inspector General of police besides Greater Bombay. In Greater Bombay, the Commissioner of Police, is in charge of the City Police Force. The State C. I. D. is under the control of an officer of the rank of the Addl. Director General of Police. Similarly the State Reserve Police Force Groups and Police Training Schools are in charge of the Addl. D. G.P. Each range in the State is divided into districts, each corresponding to the revenue district and is in charge of a District Superintendent of Police.
The District Superintendent of Police is the executive head of the police force in the district. His primary duties are to keep the force under his control properly trained, efficient and contented and to ensure by constant supervision that prevention, investigation and detection of crime in the district are properly and efficiently dealt with by the force.
Each district is divided into sub-divisions, Each sub-division is in charge of an officer of the rank of Assistant Superintendent of Police or Deputy Superintendent of Police who is responsible for all crime work in his charge. Under the general orders of the Superintendent, he is responsible for the efficiency and discipline of the officers and men in his division. He has to hold detailed inspections of police stations and outposts in his charge at regular intervals.
At district headquarters, the District Superintendent of Police is assisted by an Dy. S. P. who is designated as Home Dy. S.P.. He is the Personal Assistant to the District Superintendent. He supervises the work of the Superintendent's office at headquarters during the absence of the Superintendent and the Sub-Divisional Officer. He also does all the routine work at the headquarters for the District Superintendent of Police. Besides in the districts there are inspectors for District special branch and local crime branches.
Each district is divided into a number of police stations. An Inspector of Police is in charge of a police station. He is responsible for prevention and detection of crime and for seeing that orders of his superiors are carried out and discipline of the police under him is properly maintained. He has under him API, PSI, head constables and constables. The head constables are to report to the Sub-Inspector all crimes in their beats and to assist him in the investigation and detection of crime. When in charge of a particular post or circle of villages, the head constable acts in all police matters in close collaboration with the heads of the village police. The constable performs such duties as they may be ordered to by the head constables and superior officers.
Jalgaon district is divided into eight sub-divisions, Jalgoan, Bhusawal, Muktainagar, Faizpur, Pachora, Chopda, Amalner & Chalisgaon each in charge of a Sub-Divisional Police Officer. In addition to the police headquarters at Jalgaon, there are in all 33 police stations in the district.
The original strength of the district police which was 1,714 in 1948 went up to 1,814 by 1949 but by 1956 decreased to 1,623. In 1957.The total staff was 119 officers and 2728 men.
Of the total strength of 2,728 policemen , 1156 quaters were available in the Jalgaon city.
There is a medical clinic cenetr at the Police Headquarters at Jalgaon. It was started on February 10, 1954, for providing medical attention to the women and children belonging to the families of the members of the police force.
Village Police.
The district police is helped by the village police. Under the Bombay Village Police Act (VIII of 1867), the control of the village police is with the District Magistrate. He may, however, delegate any of his powers to the District Superintendent of Police. Each village or group of villages has a police patil. He is required to collect information regarding suspicious strangers and send it to the police station. He has to keep a strict watch over the movements of bad characters under surveillance of the police. He is to give information to the police station of any offence committed in the village. When the patrolling policeman goes to the village, the police patil has to give all the information he possesses about all events in the village. It is the duty of the police patil to render assistance to sick travellers, and maintain law and order in the village.
Home Guards.
The Home Guards is a voluntary body organised under the Bombay Home Guards Act, III of 1947, and is intended to supplement the ordinary police force in relation to the protection of person, security of property and public safety and such other services to the public as they may be called upon to perform. It is essentially a civilian body but is nevertheless bound by discipline of a standard equal to that of any military organisation. The district unit of the home guards organisation consists of a Commandant and several subordinate officers in command of divisions, companies, platoons, sections, etc. Appointments of home guards are made by the District Commandant from amongst persons who are fit and willing to serve as home guards, and appointments of officers are made after a period of service in the ranks on consideration of merit. Home Guards receive initial training in subjects like lathi training, weapon training, control of traffic, prohibition and excise laws, first-aid, mob-fighting, guard and escort, drill etc. A Home Guard gets the powers and privileges and discharges the obligations of a Home Guard under the Home Guards Act and the rules made thereunder only when called out for duty under the orders of the District Superintendent of Police. At other times, he is on the same footing as an ordinary citizen. When he is called out to aid the police, he gets duty allowance.
The total no. of 2250 homeguards are available in the Jalgaon district.
Village Defence Parties.
With a view to providing an opportunity to villagers to cultivate among themselves and also towards their villages a sense of civic duty, an organisation known as "village defence party" was formed in the districts of the old Bombay State prior to reorganisation. These parties are very useful for the defence of villages against depredations of dacoits and other types of criminals. It is a body of public-spirited and able-bodied villagers between the ages of 20 and 50 who voluntarily enroll themselves as members of the party.
In order to create confidence among the members of the village defence parties, a few selected villagers are given arms licences and these men are expected to arm themselves with such guns as they might be able to procure on their own or with the help of the Superintendent of Police.
Members of the village defence parties are trained together at a given place with such weapons including lathi, etc., as they possess to defend themselves in the best manner they can under the guidance and leadership of the village kotiwal. In order that there should be some men who can handle fire-arms in a serious emergency, the District Superintendent of Police arranges to train in musketry a few men selected by the village defence officer from each village defence party.
The village defence parties are intended merely for self-defence and do not possess any of the powers of police officers. Every act which the members of such parties may perform must be such as may be justified by the principles of the right of private defence of person and property as laid down in the Indian Penal Code. No act, therefore, of a member of a village defence party which is not justified by that right is condoned merely because such person is a member of a village defence party organised or working under the supervision of the police.
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