Note : The fees Printed on all Forms is now change. All are requested that pay the revised fee from 16/06/2008. Certificates / Documents frequently required by the Students How can I get Duplicate Statement of Marks ?
Documents required 1. An application with the details of Examination i.e. name in full, Month, Year, Seat No., college, Perm. Reg. No., Etc.
2. Attested Photocopy of Previous Mark sheet/Passing Certificate, if any.
3. An Original copy of affidavit from the student, signed by Executive Magistrate. 4. The fees prescribed for Statement of Marks is of Rs. 200/- for Non Professional Courses and Rs.400/- for Professional courses for each copy.
5. Demand Draft of Requisite Fees, of any Nationalized Bank Drawn in favor of "Registrar, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon ", OR by paying cash at Bank through Challan.
How can I get Duplicate Passing Certificate?
Documents Required 1. An Application along with attested Photocopy of Mark-Sheet/Passing Certificate if any.
2. An Original copy of affidavit from the student, signed by Executive Magistrate on the Stamp Paper of Rs. 20/-.
3. The fees prescribed for Duplicate Passing Certificate is Rs. 100/-.
4. Demand Draft of Requisite Fees, of any Nationalized Bank Drawn in favor of "Registrar, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon ", OR by paying cash at Bank through Challan.
How can I get Merit/Rank Certificate? Documents Required 1. An application through Principal along with attested Photocopy of Statement of Marks.
2. The fees prescribed for Merit/Rank Certificate is of Rs. 25/- .
3. Demand Draft of Requisite Fees, of any Nationalized Bank Drawn in favor of "Registrar, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon ", OR by paying cash at Bank through Challan.
How can I get Duplicate Admit Card?
Documents Required 1. An application with details of Examination i.e. name in full, Month, Year, Seat No., College , Perm. Reg. No., Etc. on plain paper forwarded through Principal.
2. The fees prescribed for Duplicate Admit Card is of Rs. 100/- .
3. Demand Draft of Requisite Fees, of any Nationalized Bank Drawn in favor of "Registrar, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon ", OR by paying cash at Bank through Challan.
How can I get Degree Certificate?
1. Prescribed application form of Rs. 10/- for degree certificate will be available at -
1. Affiliated College/Institute,
2. University Office,
3. Pratap Philosophy Center, Amalner
4. Mahatma Gandhi Philosophy Center, Dhule
5. On University web site. ( Add Rs. 10/- Extra in the Convocation Fee ) 2. Enclose attested Photocopy of the final year statement of Marks. (For BA/BCOM/BSC/ENGG enclosed Photocopy of first year/second year/third year statement of marks)
3. Demand Draft of Requisite Fees, of any Nationalized Bank Drawn in favor of "Registrar, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon ", OR by paying cash at Bank through Challan. 4. Photocopy of Internship Completion Certificate/Industrial Training etc. as per requirement of the particular course.
Prescribed Date for filling up the form for convocation
is as Per Notification
Fee for Convocation Degree Certificate
Sr.No | Description | Fee |
1 | Application Form Fee (Download from Web site ) | Rs.10/- |
2 | Upto 5 years from the Date of Passing | Rs.250/- |
3 | More than 5 years from the Date of Passing | Rs.500/- |
4 | Late Fee (After Prescribed Date) | Rs.50/- |
5 | Special Late Fee (From 15th Sept. to 15th Nov.) | Rs.500/- |
6 | Air Mail Postage for ABROAD Addressee As Applicable | -- |
Degree Certificates will be issued: 1. On the Day of Convocation in presence or in absentia,
2. After convocation certificate may be obtained from Univ. Convocation Section by showing the Convocation Letter, Receipt of Fees paid and Identity Proof
3. Degree Certificates desired by post will be dispatched after one month from the Convocation ceremony. How can I get Duplicate Degree Certificate? If original Degree Certificate is lost or fully damaged, a duplicate copy of the same will be issued only once to the student. 1. You will have to submit Prescribed Application form - Convocation . Download it from Website and Add Rs. 10/- extra towards form Fee.
2. Attested Photocopy of Previous Degree Certificate/Mark sheet/Passing certificate if any.
3. An Original copy of affidavit from the student, signed by Executive Magistrate on the Stamp Paper of Rs. 20/-.
4. Original Copy of Police Complaint (FIR).
5. The fees prescribed for Duplicate Degree Certificate is of Rs. 500/- (Add Rs. 10/- extra towards Convocation form Fee, if form is downloaded from Website).
6. Demand Draft of Requisite Fees, of any Nationalized Bank Drawn in favor of "Registrar, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon ", OR by paying cash at Bank through Challan. How can I get Urgent Degree Certificate (Special)?
1. You will have to submit Prescribed Application form for Convocation. in Prescribed format (Download it from Website and Add Rs. 10/- extra towards form Fee. ).
2. Attested Photocopies of Mark-statement.
3. Reasons with essential Documents/Certificates mentioning why degree certificate is required Urgently
4. The fees prescribed for Urgent Degree Certificate is of Rs.1450/- for Up to 5 years from the Date of Passing and of Rs 1700/- for more than 5 years from the date of passing (Add Rs. 10/- Extra as a Application form fee, if form is downloaded from website.)
5. Demand Draft of Requisite Fees, of any Nationalized Bank Drawn in favor of "Registrar, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon ", OR by paying cash at Bank through Challan.
6. Degree Certificate will be issued within one month. How can I get Transcript Certificate? Document Required 1. An application with all necessary details.
2. Attested Photocopies of all previous Mark statements (Starting from first Sem/Year to final Sem/Year -i.e. Attested Photoof all attempt with all corrections)
3. Attested Photocopy of Driving License or Ration Card or Voter's Identity Card or Pass-port or Visa as a proof of permanent Address.
4. Attested Photocopy of Birth Certificate or Leaving Certificate or Transfer Certificate for proof .
5. Attested Photocopy of Domicile Certificate for proof of Nationality.
6. Fees of Rs.100/- for each year and for each copy..
7. Demand Draft of Requisite Fees, of any Nationalized Bank Drawn in favor of "Registrar, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon ", OR by paying cash at Bank through Challan.
8. The Transcripts of Examination will be sent to the address given by you. You will have to send the Necessary postal charges extra.
How can I get Migration Certificate? 1. You should have to purchase Prescribed Migration form of Rs.5/- from College/University/ or down load the Migration form from Web Site.
2. Enclose Original Transference Certificate and attested Photocopy of previous mark sheet, self-addressed envelope of size of 28 X 12 cm (5X11 inch). Submit/send it to Eligibility & Admission Section of the University through Principal of the college (Contact Ph. No. 0257-2257310)
3. The fees prescribed for Migration Certificate is of Rs.125/- (Add Rs. 5/- Extra as an Application form fee, if form is downloaded from website.)
4. Demand Draft of Requisite Fees, of any Nationalized Bank Drawn in favor of "Registrar, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon ", OR by paying cash at Bank through Challan.
How can I Verified my Statement of Marks/Degree Certificate/Passing Certificate?
1. Verifying authority/Candidate can request for verification of documents issued to the candidate.
2. Prescribed fees for verification is Rs.300/- for each copy.
3. Attested Photocopy of the final year statement of marks is essential for verification of document (Degree/Marks-statement/Passing certificate) issued to the candidate.
4. Fees can be paid by Demand Draft in the name of The Registrar, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon payable at Jalgaon city only, along with specific letter and two copies of each document.
5. Postage for abroad addressees is as applicable.
How can I Authenticate my Statement of Marks/Degree Certificate/Passing Certificate?
1. Verifying authority/Candidate can request for authenticity of original Degree Certificate/Mark statement/Passing certificate issued to the candidate by University.
2. Prescribed fees for authentification is of Rs.500/- for each copy.
3. Original copy of the Degree Certificate/Statement of mark is essential for authentification of Degree/Marks-statement/Passing certificate issued to the candidate.
4. Fees can be paid by Demand Draft in the name of The Registrar, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon payable at Jalgaon city only, along with specific letter and two copies of each document.
5. Postage for abroad addressees is as applicable.
Verification/Photocopy/Redressal Mechanism of Answerbooks How can I Apply for Verification of Answer books? 1. Procedure is followed as per Ordinance No. 149.
2. Apply in prescribed format through college within 21 clear days from date of declaration of Result and submit the Verification form to college and enclose along with the form the attested Photoof mark-statement.
3. The fees prescribed for Verification is Rs. 50/- per subject. (Theory/Written paper will only be verified by the University) (Add Rs. 10/- Extra as an Application form fee, if form is downloaded from website.)
4. The result of Verification will be sent on the address given by you, within stipulated period (as mentioned in Ord. 149).
How can I Apply for Verification with Photo/Photocopy of Answer books? 1. Procedure is followed as per Ordinance No. 134/2007.
2. Apply in prescribed format through college within 15 days from the date of declaration of Result with attested Photocopy of mark-statement.
3. The fees prescribed for Verification & Photocopy of Answer books is of Rs.550/- per subject for professional courses and Rs.300/- per subject for non professional course. (Add Rs.10/- Extra towards an Application form fee, if form is downloaded from website.)
4. The Candidate can eligible to apply for the Photo copy of Maximum two answer books .
5. The Photo copies of Answer books will be sent to the Student through Principal of respective colleges within 30 days from the date of Receipt of application. How can I Apply for Challenge to Valuation of Answer books? 1. Procedure is followed as per Ordinace No. 134/2007.
2. Apply to the University in Prescribed format through college within 08 days from the date of issuance of photo copy of Answer books by the University and Submit the Application to the college.
3. Fees prescribed for this is Rs.500/- per subject for professional course and Rs.150/- for non professional course. ( Add Rs 10/- Extra towards an Application form Fee, if downloaded from Website)
4. The result of Challenge to Valuation will be sent on the address given by the Candidate.
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