Jalgaon player Kaustubh Shimpi has won gold medal in international table soccer competition conducted by table soccer federation of Nepal and India jointly at Nepal. Maharashtra’s 30 players include Jalgaon based 5 players participated in the match. Other players Parag Sonar won second rank along with Chetan Kankhare and Vinod Saini winning third.
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» Jalgaon News :-Kaustubh Shimpi wins gold in table soccer
Jalgaon News :-Kaustubh Shimpi wins gold in table soccer
Kaustubh Shimpi wins gold in table soccer:
Jalgaon player Kaustubh Shimpi has won gold medal in international table soccer competition conducted by table soccer federation of Nepal and India jointly at Nepal. Maharashtra’s 30 players include Jalgaon based 5 players participated in the match. Other players Parag Sonar won second rank along with Chetan Kankhare and Vinod Saini winning third.
Jalgaon player Kaustubh Shimpi has won gold medal in international table soccer competition conducted by table soccer federation of Nepal and India jointly at Nepal. Maharashtra’s 30 players include Jalgaon based 5 players participated in the match. Other players Parag Sonar won second rank along with Chetan Kankhare and Vinod Saini winning third.
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