Region’s one of major milk producing Jalgaon milk union popularly known as ‘Vikas’ has announced revision in milk selling and buying rates by Rs. 4 per litre for buffalo milk and Rs. 3 per litre for cow milk with immediate effect from today. The State-wide rates revision has come amidst lowering milk in State, rising rates of animal feeds and private parties offering more rates for procuring milk.
Jalgaon milk union now has Rs. 3.85 per Kg. fat rate for buying buffalo milk and 1.38 per kg SNF for cow milk. The new selling rates of milk would now turn to Rs. 34 per kg for high fat gold milk and Rs. 26 for cow milk.
JDCC bank announces selling securitisation act based borrower property’s sale – includes region’s major co-operative segment financially ill-fated factories and units
Region’s one of major milk producing Jalgaon milk union popularly known as ‘Vikas’ has announced revision in milk selling and buying rates by Rs. 4 per litre for buffalo milk and Rs. 3 per litre for cow milk with immediate effect from today. The State-wide rates revision has come amidst lowering milk in State, rising rates of animal feeds and private parties offering more rates for procuring milk.
Jalgaon milk union now has Rs. 3.85 per Kg. fat rate for buying buffalo milk and 1.38 per kg SNF for cow milk. The new selling rates of milk would now turn to Rs. 34 per kg for high fat gold milk and Rs. 26 for cow milk.
JDCC bank announces selling securitisation act based borrower property’s sale – includes region’s major co-operative segment financially ill-fated factories and units
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