Summer drinking water supplies

Summer drinking water supplies – a challenging perspective for Corporation:
Every summer brings in set of painful and harsh mercury scaling heating along with drinking water woes. Jalgaon city having Waghur dam as one of its key reserved resource for drinking water supplies has set of challenges this summer. Administration having doubled water taxes is facing tougher time on maintaining normalised state for supply lines. The hardly 5 years life supply lines have more than countable number of leakages every rising day wasting water largely. As a result of this leakages and repair works, the alternate day drinking water supplies turn to after 2/3 days troubling citizens badly.
The 5-Lakh populace based Jalgaon City has drinking water supplies as one of key political issues since decades. Starting up of water supplies from Waghur eased this largely but keeping it in healthy state has raised question of likely possibility of scarcity of water during peak summer. The doubled tax paying citizens still awaits administration execution above self-interests and smoothening life’s basic need.


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